How to see your Tesla reservation VIN before you’re supposed to (in page source)

How to view your Tesla reservation vin in page source code

Are you impatiently waiting for your new Tesla reservation to finally be delivered? Refreshing your account daily and watching the delivery date constantly shift? I know that feeling.

Your assigned sales associate will be reaching out to you to schedule delivery usually at the time when a VIN (vehicle identification number) becomes visible under your reservation in your account. At that point your Tesla EV is in the process of being manufactured, or maybe it is even on the way.

However, you may be able to uncover your VIN in the website source code before it is officially assigned to you. This happened in my case when my estimated delivery window had changed yet again, but this time to a 7 day span. The closer to delivery we get, the narrow the time frame Tesla will provide you with.

Here is how to see if you have a VIN yet:

  1. Log into your Tesla account from a desktop computer.
  2. On the account Dashboard, select your upcoming car reservation.
  3. In my case here, we have a fairly narrow delivery window, but no VIN is visible.
  4. In your desktop computer web browser, right click anywhere on your reservation page and select View Page Source.
  5. When the page source code appears, do a search (Ctrl+F, or Command+F) and look for any text starting with “7SA“. Why 7SA? All Tesla VINs begin with those 3 digits, it is the manufacturer code.
  6. There it is. I found one match.

Great now what?

My VIN appeared in the page source code about three weeks before estimated delivery. It appeared on the same day when the delivery window shrank from a two week window down to one. Depending on how far your car needs to travel to get to you, the VIN will probably appear officially in your account two weeks before delivery, and a sales agent will be reaching out for scheduling an appointment and final preparations.

In the meantime you can use a VIN decoder tool to learn more about your car, such as which factory it is coming from.


After 5-6 days after the VIN appeared in the source code of my order page, Tesla had reached out to schedule delivery in the next week! Therefore, from my experience it is about two weeks between the VIN assignment and delivery.

Patiently counting the days.
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