Residential EV Charger Rebates by US State (2023)

Home EV charger rebates and incentives

Going electric already makes a lot of financial sense. But did you know many US states and electric utilities offer incentives in the form of bill credits and rebates for the purchase and/or installation of a home Level 2 EV charger? We have researched government resources and utility provider sites for available incentives below.

This is a quickly evolving space, but we have rounded up the available incentives as of November 2022. See your local electric utility website for the most up to date information.

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Rebates by State:

Residential EV Charger Rebates and Incentives


Chugach Electric Association (CEA)$200 bill credit per EV charging station

CEA provides eligible residential customers a $200 bill credit per residential EV charging station, up to two per household, for sharing information on EVs, EV charging stations, and average miles driven per year.


Tucson Electric Power (TEP)up to $500 for purchase of Level 2 charger

TEP offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase of a Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) station. Rebate amounts vary by EV charging station amperage.

Salt River Project (SRP)$250 rebate for purchase of Level 2 EV charger

SRP offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the purchase of a qualifying Level 2 EV charging station. A $50 bill credit is available for customers who join the SRP EV Community.

Arizona Public Service Company (APS) – $250 rebate for purchase of Level 2 EV charger

APS offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the purchase of a qualifying Level 2 EV charging station. 

Mohave Electric Cooperative (MEH) – Up to $1,000 in rebates for residential Level 2 EV chargers

MEH offers residential and commercial customers rebates for the purchase of networked Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Residential customers are eligible for rebates up to $1,000.


Sonoma Clean Power (SCP)Customers eligible to receive a free Level 2 EV charging station

Qualified SCP customers are eligible to receive a free Level 2 EV charging station with Wi-Fi capabilities. Customers are responsible for shipping and installation costs. Customers may also receive $5 per month for connecting the EV charging station to the GridSavvy Rewards program.

Burbank Water and Power (BWP) – Up to $500 rebate towards Level 2 EV charger

Residential customers who install a charger can receive up to $500 and will be placed on BWP’s time-of-use rate.

Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) – Rebates up to $800 toward purchase of Level 2 EV home charger

AMP provides rebates of up to $800 to residential customers toward the purchase of Level 2 EV charging station.

Anaheim Public Utilities (APU)Up to $400 for home Level 2 EV chargers

Up to $400 per any Level 2 EV charger for customers NOT participating in one of the Utilities networked Time of Use (TOU) programs or EV Rate programs

Liberty Utilities Up to $1,500 for purchase and installation of home EV charging stations

Liberty Utilities offers residential customers a rebate of $1,500 for the purchase and installation of EV charging stations at their home or small business. 

LADWPUp to $500 for purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) offers a rebate up to $500 for the purchase and installation of qualified Level 2 EV charging stations, and a $250 rebate for the installation of a dedicated EV charging station meter.

TID – $300 Rebate for the installation of Level 2 EV charger

Turlock Irrigation District (TID) offers residential customers a $300 rebate for the installation of a qualifying Level 2 EV charging station. Low-income customers enrolled in the TID CARES Program are eligible for an additional rebate of $100 per charger.

CCCE – Up to $10,000 rebates toward Level 2 charging stations

Central Coast Community Energy (CCCE) offers a rebate up to $10,000 for Level 2 EV charging stations installed at homes or workplaces.

South Coast AQMD – Up to $250 rebate towards the cost of a Level 2 EV charger, $500 for lower income residents

South Coast AQMD offers rebates towards EV chargers. Charger would need to be installed at a 240v outlet or by a licensed electrician if no 240V outlet exists.


San Isabel Electric Association (SIEA) – Rebates of up to $1,000 toward networked Level 2 home chargers

SIEA offers customers rebates for the purchase and installation of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations.

Xcel EnergyUp to $500 for the purchase and installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charger

Xcel Energy offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase and installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station. Income-qualified residents may receive up to $1,300. Income-qualified residents are households with income levels below 60% of Colorado’s median income, 200% of the relevant federal poverty level, or 80% of the area median income.


Groton Utilities$600 rebate for installation of Level 2 EV charger

Groton Utilities offers customers a $600 rebate for the installation of a qualifying Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Norwich Public UtilitiesUp to $1,000 toward residential level 2 installation

Norwich Public Utilities (NPU) offers rebates eligible customers for the purchase and installation of a qualified EV charging station.

EversourceUp to $1,000 toward Level 2 EV home charger

Eversource offers residential customers a rebate of up to $1,000 for the purchase and installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station.


Delaware Electric Cooperative (DEC)One time $200 rebate + $5 monthly rebates

DEC offers a one-time $200 rebate, in the form of a billing credit and an additional $5 monthly billing credit to customers if they do not charge their plug-in electric vehicles during “Beat the Peak” alerts.


KUA – $100 rebate for Level 2 home EV chargers

Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) provides a $100 rebate for the purchase and installation of a home EV charging station. The EV charging station must be installed by a licensed electrical contractor and must meet all state and local codes. Rebates are limited to one one EV charging station rebate per household.


Georgia Power – $250 rebate for Level 2 EV chargers installed

Georgia Power offers residential customers a $250 rebate for Level 2 EV chargers installed between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2022.


Applied Energy Services (AES) Indiana – Up to $250 rebate for purchase of Level 2 home EV chargers

AES Indiana offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the purchase of a new Level 2 EV charging station. Customers must enroll in a managed charging program.


Evergy – $250 rebate for purchase of Level 2 home EV charger

Evergy offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 EV Charger. Evergy offers an additional $250 rebate when customers sign up for an EV TOU rate. To receive the additional rebate, Kansas Central region customers must enroll in either the EV Plan or the TOU Plan rate, and Kansas Metro region customers must enroll in the TOU Plan rate.


Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) – $250 rebate for installation of Energy Star certified home EV Level 2 charger

SWEPCO offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the installation of an ENERGY STAR certified Level 2 EV charging station.


Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) – Up to $700 rebate for residential Level 2 EV charger

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers a rebate to individuals, businesses, or state or local government entities for the costs of acquiring and installing qualified EV charging stations.

Pepco – Up tp 50% rebate on cost to purchase and install a home EV charger

Pepco offers residential customers a rebate of up to 50% of the cost to purchase and install an eligible Level 2 EV charging station through the Plug-In Vehicle (PIV) Managed Charger Program.

BGE – Annual credit of $50 for purchase and installation of home EV charger

Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) offers residential customers an annual credit of $50 for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. To be eligible, residential customers must charge EVs during off-peak hours.

Delmarva Power – Up to 50% rebate of cost to purchase and install a home EV charger

Delmarva Power offers residential customers a rebate of up to 50% of the cost to purchase and install an eligible Level 2 EV charging station through the Plug-In Vehicle (PIV) Managed Charger Program.

Potomac Edison – $300 rebate for purchase and installation of Level 2 home EV charger

Potomac Edison offers residential customers a $300 rebate for the purchase and installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station through the EV Driven Program. 


DTE Energy – $500 rebate for installation of Level 2 EV charger for home

DTE Energy offers a $500 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station to qualified residential customers that purchase or lease an electric vehicle (EV) and enroll in the EV Charging Rates.

Consumers Energy – $500 rebate for home EV charger installation

The Consumers Energy PowerMIDrive program offers rebates to residential and commercial customers who install Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) station.

Residential customers are eligible for a $500 rebate to install a qualified Level 2 EV charging stations.

Holland Board of Public Works (HBPW) – $300 rebate for purchase of Level 2 home EV charger

HBPW offers residential customers a $300 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station. The EV charging station must be ENERGY STAR certified, Wi-Fi compatible, and send monthly usage data to HBPW. Residential customers must also enroll in a time-of-use rate.

Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) – $1,000 rebate for installation of Level 2 EV home charger

BWL offers a $1,000 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station to residential customers who purchase or lease an electric vehicle.

Great Lakes Energy (GLE) – $500 rebate for purchase of a networked Level 2 home EV charger

GLE offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the purchase of a networked Level 2 EV charging station.


DEA – Up to $500 rebate for installation of Level 1 or Level 2 EV home charger

Dakota Electric also offers a rebate of up to $500 for the installation of Level 1 or Level 2 EV charging station.

Connexus Energy – Up to $500 rebate for residential Level 2 EV charger installation

Connexus Energy offers a rebate of up to $500 to residential customers toward the installation of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station. Eligible applicants must enroll in a time-of-use rate.

LREC – Up to $500 rebate for installation of home EV charger

LREC also offers a rebate of up to $500 for the installation of Level 1 or Level 2 EV charging station.

Otter Tail Power – $400 rebate for installation of Level 2 home EV charger

Otter Tail Power Company also offers a $400 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station.

Runestone Electric Association – Up to $500 for installation of Level 2 EV charging station

Runestone Electric Association offers rebates to residential customers of up to $500 for the installation of Level 2 EV charging station.


Mississippi Power – Rebate of up to $250 Level 2 EV home chargers

Mississippi Power also offers a rebate of up to $250 Level 2 EV charging stations. 


Evergy – $500 rebate for purchase and installation of a Level 2 home EV charger

Evergy offers a $500 rebate for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station to qualified residential customers that purchase or lease an EV and enroll in a time-of-use rate. 

Kirkwood Electric – Up to $300 rebate for installation of a home Level 2 EV charger

Kirkwood Electric offers residential and business customers a $300 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Applicants are limited to one rebate per location annually.


NPPD – $500 rebate for installation of eligible Level 2 home charger

Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the installation of an eligible Level 2 EV charging station. Participants must purchase the EV charging station through NPPD. NPPD also offers residential customers an additional rebate of up to $400 for the pre-wiring necessary for EV charging station installation. Eligible residential customers include single- and multi-family residences.

SPPD – $500 rebate for Level 2 EV home charger installation

Southern Public Power District (SPPD) offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the installation of an eligible Level 2 EV charging station. SPPD also offers residential customers an additional rebate of up to $400 for the pre-wiring necessary for EV charging station installation. Eligible residential customers include single- and multi-family residences.


NV Energy – Up to $500 for the purchase of a home Level 2 EV charger

NV Energy offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Electric Co-op (NHEC) – $300 rebate for installation of Level 2 home charger

NHEC offers residential customers a rebate of $300 to install Level 2 EV charging stations. Customers may receive a maximum of two rebates.

New Jersey

New Jersey EV Charger Incentive Program – $250 incentive for residents on Level 2 EV chargers

New Jersey is offering a $250 incentive to local residents to use for the purchase and installation of one of several eligible Level 2 charger models.

PSE&G – Up to $1,500 rebate for Level 2 EV charger Installation

PSE&G offers residential customers a rebate of up to $1,500 for the behind the meter installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Participants may also be eligible for a rebate of up to $5,000 for pole-to-meter utility service upgrades.

Atlantic City Electric (ACE) – $1,000 for residential EV chargers, up to 50% of costs

ACE offers make-ready rebates to residential, multi-unit dwelling (MUD), commercial, and fleet customers for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Additionally, make-ready rebates are available for publicly accessible Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations.

Jersey Central Power & Light – Rebate up to $5,000 for residential EV charger installation

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) offers rebates of up to $5,500 to residential customers for the installation of make-ready Level 2 EV charging stations. Residential customers may also receive bill credits for charging during off-peak hours.

New Mexico

Powering New Mexico (PNM) – $300 rebate for purchase of Level 2 home EV charger, must be Energy Star certified

PNM offers residential customers a $300 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 ENERGY STAR certified EV charging station.

El Paso Electric (EPE) – $500 rebate to purchase Level 2 home EV charger

EPE offers residential customers a $500 rebate to purchase a qualified Level 2 EV charging stations and a $2,300 rebate for low-income customers to purchase and install a qualified Level 2 EV charging station. Low-income customers are households with income equal to or less than 200% of the federal poverty level. Eligible Level 2 EV charging stations must be ENERGY STAR certified, networked, and have Wi-Fi or cellular capabilities.

Xcel Energy – Up to $2,500 in rebates available for Level 2 home EV chargers

Xcel Energy offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the installation of a dedicated electrical circuit to support a Level 2 EV charging station. Income-eligible applicants may receive a rebate of up to $2,500.

New York

PSEG Long Island – $400 rebate to residential customers for Level 2 home EV chargers

Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) Long Island offers a $400 rebate to residential customers who install a smart, Level 2 EV charging station between August 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022.

North Carolina

Randolph Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) – $500 rebates for purchase of Level 2 EV chargers

Randolph EMC’s Electric Vehicle Utility Program (REVUP) offers residential customers a rebate of $500 for the purchase of qualified Level 2 electric vehicle charging station. Rebates are available to the first 50 applicants on a first-come, first served basis. REVUP also offers a TOU rate to residential customers that own or lease a plug-in electric vehicle.

Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative (CHEC) – $100 bill credit for residential Level 2 EV chargers

Cape Hatteras Electric Co-Op (CHEC) offers a bill credit of $100 to residential customers who install a Level 2 EV charging station.

Energy United – $500 rebate for installation of home Level 2 EV charger

Energy United offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station.

Surry-Yadkin Membership Corporation (SYEMC) – $500 rebate for purchase of home EV charger

SYEMC offers residential members a rebate of $500 to purchase an EV charging station. 


Firelands Electric Cooperative (FEC) – $250 rebate for home Level 2 EV chargers

FEC offers rebates of $250 to members who install Level 2 EV charging station(s) at a home, office, or other building.

Union Rural Electric Cooperative (URE) – $250 rebate for home Level 2 EV chargers

URE will provide its electric service customers with a $250 rebate for the purchase of a Level 2 charger.


Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) – Up to $250 rebate for Level 2 EV home charger

PSO offers a rebate of up to $250 to residential customers for an Energy Star certified Level 2 EV charging station. Eligible charging stations must be new and purchased in Oklahoma.


Central Lincoln – $250 rebate for purchase of home EV charger

Central Lincoln offers residential and commercial customers a rebate of $250 to purchase a Level 2 EV charging station. Applicants are limited to one rebate per location.

Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) – $500 rebates for Level 2 home EV chargers

EWEB offers rebates for residential and commercial customers to install EV charging stations. Residential customers may receive a rebate of up to $500 for one Level 2 EV charging station.

Portland General Electric (PGE) – $500 rebate for Level 2 home EV chargers

PGE offers residential customers a rebate of $500 for the purchase of a Level 2 EV charging station. Customers that earn up to 80% median income for their household size are eligible for a rebate of $1,000. 

Consumers Power Inc. (CPI) – $200 rebate for qualifying EV charging stations

South Carolina

Santee Cooper – Up to $500 rebate for Level 2 home EV chargers

Santee Cooper offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase of a qualified Level 2 EV charging station.

Duke Energy – $500 rebate for Level 2 EV chargers

Duke Energy offers a $500 rebate and monthly credit of $13.87 to residential customers that install a Level 2 EV charging station and agree to charge their EV during off-peak hours.


Knoxville Utility Board (KUB) – Up to $400 for purchase of Level 2 home EV charger

KUB offers residential customers rebate up to $400 for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station.


Austin Energy – 50% rebate on Level 2 home charger, up to $1,200

Austin Energy offers residential customers who own an electric vehicle a rebate of 50% of the cost to purchase and install a qualified Level 2 EV charging station, up to $1,200.

United Cooperative Services (UCS) – 50% rebate on installation of Level 2 EV home charger, up to $500

UCS offers residential customers a rebate of 50% of the cost to install a Level 2 EV charging station, up to $500. 

Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) – $250 rebate on installation of Level 2 EV charger

SWEPCO offers residential customers a $250 rebate for the installation of an Energy Star certified Level 2 EV charging station.


Rocky Mountain Power – $200 rebate for purchase and installation of Level 2 home EV charger

Rocky Mountain Power offers residential customers a rebate of up to $200 for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Customers may receive one Level 2 rebate per electric vehicle owned.


BED – Up to $900 rebate for purchase and installation of Level 2 home EV charger

BED also offers a rebate of up to $900 for the purchase and installation of a qualifying Wifi enabled EV charging stations for customers that have enrolled in BED’s Residential EV Rate. Eligible applicants must have purchased an EV charging station within 60 days of the acquisition of the EV.

Green Mountain Power (GMP) – Customers may be eligible for a free Level 2 home EV charger

GMP residential customers are eligible for a free Level 2 EV charging station when they purchase a new or pre-owned plug-in electric vehicle. 


Dominion Energy – $125 rebate of purchase of Level 2 home EV charger

Dominion Energy offers residential customers a rebate of $125 for the purchase of a new Level 2 EV charging station. To be eligible, customers must enroll in Dominion Energy’s demand response program and register a qualifying EV charging station. Customers will also receive an annual payment of $40 on the anniversary of their enrollment in the demand response program.

Danville Utilities – $200 rebate for purchase and installation of a home Level 2 EV charger

Danville Utilities offers residential customers a $200 rebate for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Eligible applicants must also be enrolled in a time-of-use rate.


Snohomish Public Utility District – $500 rebate for purchase and installation of Level 2 home EV charger

Snohomish Public Utility District offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the purchase and installation of qualified Level 2 EV charging station. 

Clark Public Utilities (CPU) – Up to $500 rebate for installation of Energy Star certified, networked, Level 2 home EV chargers. Non-certified models may still be eligible for $100 rebates

CPU offers customers rebates for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging station. 

Tacoma Public Utility (TPU) – $400 bill credit for Level 2 home charger installation

TPU offers residential customers a $400 rebate, in the form of bill credit, for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station, a smart splitter, or a 240-volt outlet. Applicants may receive one rebate per installation, up to $600 total.

West Virginia

Appalachian Power – Up to $500 rebates on purchase and installation of Level 2 Home EV chargers

Appalachian Power offers residential customers a rebate of up to $500 for the purchase and installation of an Energy Star certified Level 2 EV charging station.


Barron Electric Cooperative (BEC) – Rebates for full cost of Level 2 home EV charger

BEC offers residential customers rebates for the full cost of a Level 2 EV charging station. 

Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative (CVEC) – $400 rebate for purchase and installation of Level 2 home EV charger

CVEC offers customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a new Level 2 EV charging station. All rebate documentation must be submitted within three months of the EV charging station purchase. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Clark Electric Cooperative (CEC) – $400 rebate for purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charger

CEC offers customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a new Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

East Central Energy (ECE) – $750 rebate to install a home Level 2 EV charger

ECE offers residential customers a $750 rebate to install a Level 2 EV charging station on a time-of-use or off-peak storage electricity rate.

Price Electric Cooperative – $500 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charger for home

Price Electric Cooperative offers residential customers a $500 rebate to customers who purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Riverland Energy Cooperative (REC) – $400 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 charger

REC offers residential customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS) – $400 rebate to purchase and install and Level 2 home EV charger

PPCS offers residential customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Alliant Energy – $750 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charger

Alliant Energy offers residential customers a $750 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station.

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